We are pleased that the German CD label CPO, which specializes in classical music, has expressed an interest in our take on Fischer's Litany and Vesper Service, which we have presented at our presentation concert in September 2022. We completed the recording of this unique musical heritage in February 2024.
Since we were put out of budget with the subsidy file submitted to the Flemish Community, we looked for and found a solution to allow these plans to go ahead in the form of an interest-free loan. This poses a considerable financial challenge, for which we would appreciate your help! Sign up as a personal supporter of the CD project by depositing 50 euros and reserving your personally signed copy of the CD. If you would like to become a partner of this project, we would like to see what we can do for each other!
Mail us your address and we will send you a copy when it is released in the summer of 2024! You can of course also reserve your copy for 25 euros including shipping costs. Enjoy the preview!

Listen to these audio fragments to discover our music ensemble.
At the presentation concert on September 3rd, 2022 the brand-new Ensemble Gloriosus introduced itself to a wide audience. With his musicians, artistic director Patrick Debrabandere proposed a compiled litanies and vespers service of the baroque composer Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fisher. We’d like to invite you to enjoy here the Litanie of Loreto and a compilation of the hymne O Praise the Lord with One Consent of Georg Friedrich Handel.
On October 7, 2023, a program was performed with baroque music from the Southern Netherlands. Enjoy the impressions and the music that Krafft left us.

‘‘Ensemble Gloriosus doet componist Fischer (en God) alle eer aan’’
“De litanieën van Fischer als aanhef gebracht met een eenvoudige rechtlijnigheid hadden eenzelfde kenmerk ook in de onderliggende structuur. Een gedragen voortschrijdende ritmiek en vastberaden flux in tempo en doorwerking van de thema’s kwamen tot uiting in de melodische lijnen nauwkeurig verweven met de structuur van het inhoudelijke gebed.[…] Met veel animo vertolkt door koor en orkest. Echt een vocale oproep tot sacraliteit […] een excellente voordracht in simultaan koorspel met orkest! […] Het geheel was een corpus firmum, eten en drinken tegelijkertijd.”
Bart Alexander, review of the presentation concert on September 3rd, 2022, published in “Kerk en Leven Gent”
Ook door Klassiek Centraal wordt de muziek van Fischer geapprecieerd