YOUR TAX BENEFITS BY HELPING US! We are very grateful!
Become a personal supporter of the projects of Ensemble Gloriosus
and receive a tax deductible certificate starting from 40 euros
thanks to the fund of the King Baudouin Foundation.
You not only help us realize original projects, you also let others have fun or get acquainted with unknown gems and enjoy your personal tax benefit!
If you want to support from abroad, please contact us before making a transfer
to receive the correct certificates.
We are more than grateful for your support!
The King Baudouin Foundation provides tax certificates to generous donors.

Your contribution really makes a difference!
Scan the QR code and enter your details.
Do you prefer a traditional bank transfer? Here is the data.
IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404 (BIC BP0TBEB1)
Referentie: +++ 623/3915/40007 ++